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The Black Ghosts - In the Clouds (2013) скачать и слушать онлайн

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The Black Ghosts - In the Clouds (2013) скачать и слушать онлайн
  • Слушали: 302
  • Добавлено: 09.03.2024
  • Год выхода: 2013
  • Исполнитель: The Black Ghosts
  • Альбом: When Animals Stare
  • Продолжительность: 3:19
  • Категории: Даунтемпо
  • Размер файла: 3,04 Мб
  • Ссылка на исполнителей: The Black Ghosts
  • Ссылка на альбом: «When Animals Stare» от
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The Black Ghosts - In the Clouds (2013) скачать и слушать онлайн
Клип The Black Ghosts - In the Clouds (2013) скачать и слушать онлайн
Текст The Black Ghosts - In the Clouds (2013) скачать и слушать онлайн
I don't know what i'm doing when i'm not with you
My head it's in the clouds
Within a buble being big egnough for two
I'll never let you out
All we need
Too find
Is a turner for this world
I don't know what i'm doing when i'm not with you
My head it's in the clouds
Within a buble being big egnough for two
I'm never getting out
Over time
It will be
All we need
Too feel
We'll be frozen in time glidin throug the galaxy
Eyes let to give a arm
I don't know what i'm doing when i'm not with you
My head is in the clouds
Within a buble being big egnough for two
We are never getting out
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