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The Kooks - All the Time (2018) скачать и слушать онлайн

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The Kooks - All the Time (2018) скачать и слушать онлайн
  • Слушали: 313
  • Добавлено: 09.03.2024
  • Год выхода: 2018
  • Исполнитель: The Kooks
  • Альбом: Let's Go Sunshine
  • Продолжительность: 4:06
  • Категории: Альтернативный рок
  • Размер файла: 3,77 Мб
  • Ссылка на исполнителей: The Kooks
  • Ссылка на альбом: «Let's Go Sunshine» от
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The Kooks - All the Time (2018) скачать и слушать онлайн
Клип The Kooks - All the Time (2018) скачать и слушать онлайн
Текст The Kooks - All the Time (2018) скачать и слушать онлайн
Why don't you stay here?
I wanna spend some time
Why don't you lay here?
Make the full moon cry
Why don't you love me?
The way I want you to
You cut up the best dress
I ever bought for you
But you don't have to doubt
or figure me out
Let me show you the way it's gonna be
You don't have to doubt
What it is all about
See the light that leads you here
We can find a way
I want you to be there all the time
I want you to be there when I die
I want you, you
Just don't ask why
You, you, all the time
I want you

Your scent brings me flowers
Your heart, it brings me wine
All of these hours
I wanna do that time
Your love is such a hardship
But work I'm pleased to do
My back is breaking, fire I'll walk through
You don't have to doubt
Or figure it out
See the light that leads you here
We can find a way
I want you to be there all the time
I want you to be there when I die
I want you, you
Just don't ask why
You, you, all the time
I want you

We don't need the seas to separate
No regret

See the storm in you against your own

You don't have to doubt
What it is all about
Darkness coming down
Night is all around
I want you to be there all the time
I want you to be there when I die
I want you, you
Just don't ask why
You, you, all the time
I want you to be there all the time
I want you to be there when I die
I want you, you
Just don't ask why
You, you, all the time
I want you
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