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Black Rebel Motorcycle Club - All You Do Is Talk (2007) скачать и слушать онлайн

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Black Rebel Motorcycle Club - All You Do Is Talk (2007) скачать и слушать онлайн
  • Слушали: 188
  • Добавлено: 01.06.2024
  • Год выхода: 2007
  • Исполнитель: Black Rebel Motorcycle Club
  • Альбом: Baby 81
  • Продолжительность: 5:41
  • Категории: Рок
  • Размер файла: 5,21 Мб
  • Ссылка на исполнителей: Black Rebel Motorcycle Club
  • Ссылка на альбом: «Baby 81» от
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Black Rebel Motorcycle Club - All You Do Is Talk (2007) скачать и слушать онлайн
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Текст Black Rebel Motorcycle Club - All You Do Is Talk (2007) скачать и слушать онлайн
Help yourself, don't say a thing
Your love won't show in anything at all
If all you do is talk
Sadly I remain in need
Of all the things you say, believe and speak
All you do is talk
Help yourself, don't think
Help yourself, don't speak
Help yourself, don't say a thing at all
Your lucky words don't bleed

You tie the end of all we see
You said we're on our way and I will be
Alone in everything
You say it's all we'll ever need
You found an easy way but still you weep
Alone and everything
Help yourself, don't think
Help yourself, don't speak
Help yourself, don't say a thing at all
Your lucky words don't bleed
Help yourself don't say a thing
The love you show won't mean a thing at all
If all you do is talk
Sadly we remain to see
What brings an end is also what we need
All you do is talk
Help yourself, don't think
Help yourself, don't speak
Help yourself, don't say a thing at all
Your lucky words don't bleed
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